Saturday, September 11, 2010

Kittens, presented by Kittens!

We are getting a kitten next weekend. I am overly excited about it. I think it's pretty well known that I like animals. I don't think that most people understand to what extent I love animals. I grew up in a family of extreme animal lovers so I never realized it was excessive. Whatever, I will continue to be overly excited when I get to hold a tiny little baby turtle at a fall festival or talk to a beautiful big red rooster about how handsome he is.

It's not that I think all animals are just the best thing ever, I am mostly in love with the creativity that it took to think of soooo many neat and unique kinds of animals. I love it. Good job God. Steve would like me to add that Jurassic Park is the best movie of all time, that kind of involves animals...........?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

In not a very long amount of time I have had 4 friends lose parents. Three dads and a mom. On Friday I will be attending a funeral in the morning, coming home to work, then leaving to drive to Florida. It should be a winning mix of emotion and exhaustion. At the same time as these death's I have been re-reading Tuesdays with Morrie. It's such a great book. It brings good perspective about death and the live's we live leading up to our death's.

I am anxious for this semester to start. It will be my last semester of classes, then one semester of internship, then donezoooe. I am getting excited. I am happy that most of my friends will be returning from their summer adventures to camp, and home, and lots of other fun things.

Liz on the Left will come back and Liz on the right will leave to start a new and fantastic life. I have a bitter-sweet liz emotion right now. They are both sweet sweet friends that I am so thankful. I guess you can't have your Liz and your other one too? dang I'm so funny.

My parents have been married for 29 years this week. I am so very proud of that. It gives my even more confidence in my marriage and it's chances in such a crazy time of prevelant divorce. They are the most supportive, wonderful, quarky people I know. Good job mom and dad!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

student loans= survival of the fittest

Until this point in my life my mom has pretty much taken care of the financial side of my schooling. I take care of most of my crap but that was the one thing she always did. Well, then I got married and that stopped. I definatly think that's good and healthy and all, but dangit... it's soo confusing and stressful! And thanks to President Obama it is now even more complicated with all of these tests to make sure I am not dumb enought to think I don't have to pay them back. They are called loans for a reason. If you don't understand that you pay loans back then you should let the rest of us have your loans and just go ahead and be done with school. Maybe that sounds harsh, but really.
I think fruits and veggies should at least prompt the idea of God's existence in our minds. They occur naturally, they can sustain out human bodies by themselves and they taste good to us. We cook them to change the flavor or texture but they are most healthy in their most natural state's. It's like God's most basic sign of existence in my opinion. Just saying.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I have a Bo Staff in my livingroom, just propped up against the book shelf. My husband is a ninja and the staff is long and heavy and makes me feel confident that in the event of a zombie invasion or intruder I might have a chance to defend myself. Steve told me the key was to "swing like you are going to swing right through them". So moral of this story..........don't mess with me. I will bring my Bo Staff down on your life!!

In a few weeks I will be with Steve's family in Florida, tar balls and all. I am super excited, I've never been to Florida....weird I know. And Steve and I have booked a cruise for our 1 year anniversary, which will be a couple more firsts for my life! How could we possibly be creeping up on a whole year of Marriage? It's so crazy! But so good.

I have recently been loving this it's freaking hillarious!

I have a 6yr old in my swimming lessons that is so large that I can barely lift him, IN the water. Holy crap, being in a pool makes everyone feel like they are 20lbs. Not this kid. He's at least 150lbs, no kidding. It's a problem.

Steve and I have been discussing where and what we want to do in the next few years. It's hard to figure out how to weave it all together. We both agree that we don't want to look back and regret getting comfortable and never accomplishing the things we have set out to do.

I really love JayZ, and I don't care who knows it.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Steve and I watched the Documentary " No Impact Man" last night. I loved it. I liked it because the wife was super normal. They were a sweet family who found joy in small things. At the end they discuss the fact that living the way they did is abnormal and unrealistic but they decide to keep a lot of aspects of their No Impact experiment.

Watching that movie made me excited to see where our next stage of life takes us. The family in the film lives in an apartment in NYC. I want to experience living in a big city for awhile. I don't know that I would enjoy it for very long. But I am excited to make a large geographical change within the next couple of years.

We got our wedding pictures back. They are amazing thanks to Ms. Alex Crowder. There is no better confidence boost than seeing great pictures of yourself.
I think this picture is amazing. It's one of my favorites.

I am getting ready to finally register for my last semester of classes which will be followed by a 400 hour internship. 400 is a ton of hours. At times I get annoyed that we have to complete such an intense internship but now that it is closer, I am really excited about it. I think it will be a fun step/experience. I am praying I can do mine at The Meyer Center, where I work now. This would probably require me to become a personal trainer, which will be Hillarious!

I think Fiber One bars should have a warning on the box. It should read something like this, " Don not consume if you will not be able to easily/unawkwardly access a bathroom." I'm just saying.

When spring hit springfield everyone seemed to perk up. I was concerned because usually I am completely joyous when this happens. This year I didn't seem to feel much of a change in my mood. I was worried. Then I realized I was already happy going into spring. I am a relatively well balanced person. Good job horomones!
This is Rylee. She will officially be my niece in a couple of weeks. I like her alot and have more fun when she's around. I think she's hillarious and am sort of obsessed with her parents.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


On Thursday my professor/ teacher told me that the director of an organization that I would be very interested in working for/ doing an internship with asked about me and only me. As you can imagine I was really excited to hear that! My professor the told me that he told the director that I had that most potential and talent he had ever seen in one of his students but that I don't live up to my potential and am currently wasting it. WHAT THE CRAP!!! How am I supposed to handle that? The then continued to rip into me about how much of a dissapointment I was to him and that he was so sure I was going to be his "star pupil" as if this were High School Musical or something. I almost cried but was so angry I sucked it up.
Words hurt the most when they are true.
His were very much true.
I tried to explain myself by saying that I do as much or more than the other students and felt that I was doing a sufficient job. He didn't care.
So now I am on a mission to not waste my natural talents. I need more discipline in my life. I have always done whatever I want. And that has seemed to work for me. Until now. So here are a few things I am wanting to do.

- Spend time with God daily. Lately I have really neglected that. How could that become so unimportant to me so easily?
-Cut out spending money on/eating crap food.
- Run. I have always wanted to run a marathon. What an accomplishment that would be!
- Make conscious decisions. Live more deliberately.
-Make more things. I love to craft but I don't ever do it.
-Cook new things. I just watched Julie and Julia and it inspired me.
-Be the friend I want my friends to be.
-Do ALL things in love.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Winter Sleep

I have been looking for a job for about 6 months. I had a couple short lived random spurts of employment that vanished quickly. I am so glad to have a job now. I feel so blessed. There are so many people who are unemployed right now. For my job I am in or around the indoor pool that is kept at 80-90 degrees. I think this is a shock to my system. The frequent temp changes of coming and going from work paired with the exercise that is sort of expected of me as an employee of a fitness facility is making me want to sleep, alot. This is an issue. So winter, I wish you would move along with your life and leave us alone. Thanks!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

fish and heaven

I put a little pond of goldfish above and you can feed them if you want. Who doesn't like to feed a fish?

Also, lately I have noticed a theme in conversations and quiet times. Heaven. So here's the deal. In multiple conversations last week I found myself discussing views of heaven and they seemed to differ more than they seem that they should among the same religion. It confuses me. We grow up learning that as long as we are saved and make a good effort throughout life then you are in, golden. I don't think I buy it. It's not that I don't think a lot of people will get in, but I do wonder. The bible says that "few will enter". I hope that I am wrong. We do a lot sitting back and waiting until we scare ourselves or something shakes us. I for one would rather figure it out sown here while I can.

Feed my fish!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weather is an amazing thing. I think you would have a difficult time finding anyone who does not have a considerably better attitude as the 60degree weather of spring rolls into town. Because we live in the ozarks as soon and beautifully as it came it will quickly leave and be replaced by normal, cold, winter weather. Our moods shift with the weather. As most of us have dealt with the moody weather of the ozarks we are good at controlling our outer attitude or have even trained ourselves to "like" winter. I don't buy it. Obviously if you have a choice you would pick spring over winter. I think people learn to just live in the season.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Construction Workers

Thing I think about:

Lately I have been completely impressed with construction workers. I feel that everyone assumes they are .... not of great moral standard and looks right past the fact that they can do awesome things like build roads! Seems simple... but do YOU know how to build a road?? I don't. I don't even think I could build a paper air plane let alone understand all of the math, materials and planning that goes into building a structure from the ground up! I for one, am impressed.

I have come to the conclusion that health teachers all over the world are confused. We, as humans, actually experience two sets of puberty. Stick with me. The first is the super uncomfortable one that involves lots of growing, hair and general years of "awkward stage".
The second set of puberties happens in you mid 20's. This one is when your body begins to resemble that of your parents(generally of the parents that you match in gender). I have been discussing the difference in high-school body vs. senior year of college body with a friend ...... much different. It's almost like our bodies are prepping themselves for children, mini-vans, and diets. If it hasn't hit you yet, get ready. You will look down in the near future and realize that you are quickly becoming much more pear-shaped that you ever thought you would. Or maybe that arm hair is beginning to migrate to the smooth under part of your forearm, one dark hair at a time(boys).