Saturday, September 11, 2010

Kittens, presented by Kittens!

We are getting a kitten next weekend. I am overly excited about it. I think it's pretty well known that I like animals. I don't think that most people understand to what extent I love animals. I grew up in a family of extreme animal lovers so I never realized it was excessive. Whatever, I will continue to be overly excited when I get to hold a tiny little baby turtle at a fall festival or talk to a beautiful big red rooster about how handsome he is.

It's not that I think all animals are just the best thing ever, I am mostly in love with the creativity that it took to think of soooo many neat and unique kinds of animals. I love it. Good job God. Steve would like me to add that Jurassic Park is the best movie of all time, that kind of involves animals...........?


  1. i spoke with the sound designer from jurassic park last night.

    he was talking about how they were making the crushing sound of a broken femur by distorting the sound of biting into an apple.

    it kind of blew my mind.

    nice update. i want pictures of the kitten when they arrive, please.

  2. I love animals. We would be amazing at having/running a farm. Having somewhat of a joint family farm, ya know?
