Saturday, March 6, 2010


On Thursday my professor/ teacher told me that the director of an organization that I would be very interested in working for/ doing an internship with asked about me and only me. As you can imagine I was really excited to hear that! My professor the told me that he told the director that I had that most potential and talent he had ever seen in one of his students but that I don't live up to my potential and am currently wasting it. WHAT THE CRAP!!! How am I supposed to handle that? The then continued to rip into me about how much of a dissapointment I was to him and that he was so sure I was going to be his "star pupil" as if this were High School Musical or something. I almost cried but was so angry I sucked it up.
Words hurt the most when they are true.
His were very much true.
I tried to explain myself by saying that I do as much or more than the other students and felt that I was doing a sufficient job. He didn't care.
So now I am on a mission to not waste my natural talents. I need more discipline in my life. I have always done whatever I want. And that has seemed to work for me. Until now. So here are a few things I am wanting to do.

- Spend time with God daily. Lately I have really neglected that. How could that become so unimportant to me so easily?
-Cut out spending money on/eating crap food.
- Run. I have always wanted to run a marathon. What an accomplishment that would be!
- Make conscious decisions. Live more deliberately.
-Make more things. I love to craft but I don't ever do it.
-Cook new things. I just watched Julie and Julia and it inspired me.
-Be the friend I want my friends to be.
-Do ALL things in love.

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