Tuesday, August 3, 2010

In not a very long amount of time I have had 4 friends lose parents. Three dads and a mom. On Friday I will be attending a funeral in the morning, coming home to work, then leaving to drive to Florida. It should be a winning mix of emotion and exhaustion. At the same time as these death's I have been re-reading Tuesdays with Morrie. It's such a great book. It brings good perspective about death and the live's we live leading up to our death's.

I am anxious for this semester to start. It will be my last semester of classes, then one semester of internship, then donezoooe. I am getting excited. I am happy that most of my friends will be returning from their summer adventures to camp, and home, and lots of other fun things.

Liz on the Left will come back and Liz on the right will leave to start a new and fantastic life. I have a bitter-sweet liz emotion right now. They are both sweet sweet friends that I am so thankful. I guess you can't have your Liz and your other one too? dang I'm so funny.

My parents have been married for 29 years this week. I am so very proud of that. It gives my even more confidence in my marriage and it's chances in such a crazy time of prevelant divorce. They are the most supportive, wonderful, quarky people I know. Good job mom and dad!